Virtual worlds, digital economies, and, yes, NFTs…
Between Roblox’s $40 billion direct listing this week, Beeple’s $69 million NFT sale, and Top Shot’s $20 million NFT whale… the digital economy is outright exploding. But not all metaverses (metaversii?) are created equal. Ben Thompson of Stratechery goes on a deep dive of how a metaverse like Roblox may be disrupting not just traditional gaming formats—but also challenging incumbent business models built on digital entertainment, social media, and even traditional toys.
The Roblox Microverse – Stratechery
The big battery boom (and why lithium is the new oil)
For years, we’ve been studying how utility-scale battery deployments increase resiliency and lower grid costs (and could ultimately disrupt legacy natural gas peaker plant business models). Over the last few weeks, Texas, thawing out from a statewide energy crisis, realized just how essential battery storage technologies can be for the grid. As the costs of battery manufacturing declines—and efficiencies improve—batteries are becoming the new oil of the energy markets. Plus, add a layer of software to help manage the grid—and we could see the biggest energy boom in decades, all built off renewables and battery storage.
Tesla Is Plugging a Secret Mega-Battery Into the Texas Grid – Bloomberg
Riding winners—when it’s a winner-take-all game
When do you sell a position? This is a question we constantly think about. Lawrence Burns, an investment manager at Scottish mega-fund Baillie Gifford, has a smart analysis here, writing up top that “a tiny number of superstar companies account for returns from equity markets.” If that’s case—and we believe it is—how should one design a portfolio to capture those potential long-term returns of a superstar winner?
Why it is usually a mistake for investors to take profits – Financial Times
Apple’s (monopolistic?) dominance
Investor Matthew Ball goes on an incredible deep-dive of Apple’s dominant platform, and how it both creates—and potentially stifles—innovation, entrepreneurship and wealth creation on the platform for developers. There is no doubt that Apple controls the ecosystem, but the key question will be how that monopolistic control is wielded…
Apple, Its Control Over the iPhone, The Internet, And The Metaverse – Matthew Ball
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