Quote of the week:
“In investing, what is comfortable is rarely profitable.” Robert Arnott
An optimist’s view on AI
Following up on his much-discussed essay (Why AI Will Save the World) the venture capitalist Marc Andreessen spoke with Ben Thompson this week and had an open dialogue about the future of artificial intelligence—podcast here and transcript here. The dialogue is a thought-provoking conversation about software, business histories (including Amazon and Tesla), and, of course AI.
A couple of weeks ago, I highlighted how much of the media conversation around AI has largely been hijacked by extreme viewpoints. In contrast, I found this dialogue to be a fairly balanced—but ultimately optimistic perspective—on where AI will take us, and how it will improve our lives. “I don’t expect miracles, I expect basically small tangible steps, and I expect small tangible steps that basically take you forward in good ways,” Andreessen says. “Look, I’ve been dealing with this, the minute we launched the web browser, people were like, ‘What about cyber crime? What about hacking?’ … You know what? That all happened. There’s still ransomware attacks happening over the Internet today. All that stuff is still happening and whatever other things people don’t like about the Internet, it’s all happening. Yet at the same time, I think it’s just very clear if you did a societal accounting, it’s been a gigantic advance.” He continues:
A deep-dive on the energy grid
Brian Potter of Construction Physics is one of my favorite analysts on the energy transition beat, and his latest piece—The Hard and Soft Paths of Energy Strategy—is a good example of why. Potter takes a highly complex subject, the evolution of electric grids and global power supply, and breaks it down for the lay reader. “Modern civilization would be impossible to operate without cheap, widely available electric power,” Potter writes. “The grid makes modern society possible. But today, the grid faces several challenges that threaten its ability to distribute electric power.” He continues:
A few more links I enjoyed:
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