Quote of the week:
“Most of us have jobs that are too small for our spirits.” ― Studs Terkel
On Leonardo Da Vinci’s obsessions and curiosities
There’s a great little anecdote in this recent Ben Wilson podcast about what historians found in Leonardo Da Vinci’s notebook: Ideas for a helicopter on one page, sketches of scuba gear on the next, an analysis of a dragonfly’s wings, and so on. As Wilson—creator of the How to Take Over the World podcast—argues, there is no doubt that Da Vinci was a genius, but it was his profound sense of curiosity that makes him such a fascinating character to study and learn from. “I think Da Vinci is a one of one,” Wilson says. “I’ve never seen or read about a mind like his ever, anywhere. You’re probably not wired like Da Vinci. And that’s okay. I’m not. I don’t know anyone that is. But I think anyone can learn how to be more curious by learning from his example. And curiosity, it turns out, is a superpower.” Wilson continues:
How to come up with good ideas
In 2014, researchers queried more than 200 people from three distinct industries—roofing, inline skating, and carpentry—about how to make each industry safer. You might think that carpenters would have no novel ideas about how to make inline skating safer, but, in fact, the opposite turned out to be true. “The team found that those from ‘analogous markets’ were significantly better at generating original ideas,” writes Mario Gabriele in his recent essay, “Where Do Great Ideas Come From?” “Roofers had more original concepts for carpenters and inline skaters than for themselves, for example. Interestingly, the greater the distance the participant had from the target problem, the more novel their ideas.” Gabriele’s essay offers provocative insights for investors, operators, and founders who are looking to augment their creative capacity in the search for new (and good) ideas.
Beware of highly correlated opinions (and other thoughts from Kevin Kelly)
“If your views on other things can be predicted from your views on one thing, you need to be very careful that you’re not in the grip of an ideologue,” says Kevin Kelly in a recent conversation with The Knowledge Project’s Shane Parrish. Kelly is one of my favorite essayists, technologists, and modern-day philosophers—you may recall his excellent 103 Bits of Advice in Issue #58 of The Nightcrawler. True to form, Kelly’s conversation with Parrish is full of insights about a wide range of subjects, from long-termism to AI. I find his comments on the importance of thinking independently to be especially resonant today as AI encroaches into many elements of our lives. “The idea is to not be so predictable,” Kelly says. “If your views on the environment can be deduced from your views on religion or something, that means that you are not really that much of an independent thinker.”
A few more links I enjoyed:
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