What if the era of short-termism is ending?
A good friend of mine recently passed along an article that I’ve been rolling over in my head for the last couple of weeks: It’s about our collective relationship to time—and the urgency with which we need to encourage more long-term thinking in our social and economic structures.
Specifically, the essay first contextualizes the current era of short-term behavior, perhaps made worse by a convergence of new technologies (i.e. smartphones, 24/7 news, social media, etc.). But the piece then goes further to make a compelling case that, throughout modern history, the human relationship with time has—and will always be—variable. “Periodically, perspectives would shorten, often through crises such as the French Revolution,” author Richard Fisher writes. “Hölscher argues that you can see this transformation in writing from the late 1700s into the dawn of the 1800s: optimistic, far-reaching predictions about the world gave way to more circumspect descriptions of the future, focused on next steps and nearer-term improvements in standards of living.”
Fisher then goes on to make a provocative suggestion: Perhaps we’re nearing an inflection point. A moment when the pendulum could swing back the other way, and we could once again be nearing a phase of human progression that begins to think, act, and behave with a more long-term bias. That’s the hope, at least. The stakes are perhaps higher than ever.
“Unlike other animals, we have minds capable of imagining a deep future,” Fisher writes. “Yet while we may have this ability, it is rarely deployed in daily life. If our descendants were to diagnose the ills of 21st-century civilization, they would observe a dangerous short-termism: a collective failure to escape the present moment and look further ahead.” He continues:
“Nature tends to be resilient to crisis in a way that human-created things aren’t.”
Tom Morgan, who writes the The Attention Span newsletter, makes a compelling argument in his recent essay regarding the concept of survivability in business, particularly during tumult. I won’t do it justice in a single paragraph, but the basic concept is this: Rather than focus on direct, top-down action, businesses need to be built with more slack—i.e. adaptability, resilience, etc.—to thrive over the long-term. “It may seem like a contradiction,” he writes, “but slack becomes exponentially more important during a crisis.” His ant analogy in the key quote below is a great mental framework for this idea.
Seeing waves of human perception as an investment strategy
“There’s all these ways to analyze markets, but what do any of us really want to know?” asks Denise Shull in a recent and thought-provoking podcast conversation. “We want to know what everybody else will pay for this thing next year or the year after that. That’s all we want to know.” Shull is an executive coach who employs neuro-economics and modern psychoanalysis in her work with investors, and I found her framing of investing as a sort of multi-modal behavioral economic sport particularly prescient. Long-term investing is, of course, about identifying mis-priced assets in the marketplace—but being successful at it over the long-term involves much, much more than the ability to calculate a simple DCF (and likely a lot more on the social sciences around narrative, cognition, group dynamics, and so on). (H/T Cam Tierney)
A few more links I enjoyed:
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