Quote of the week:
“I don’t have talent, so I just get up earlier.” – Henry Rollins
“The map is not the territory”
General semantics is a linguistic concept developed by the late scholar Alfred Korzybski. The idea, very briefly, is that words themselves have no objective meaning; they are disconnected from the reality they represent. Abstracting out a complex idea is human nature, but as Chris Mayer points out in a recent podcast episode, this type of thinking can lead to poor decision-making. Especially when it fails to consider the individual characteristics of any particular situation.
A good example, as Mayer highlights, is the familiar distinction between “growth” and “value” stocks. In reality, there is no such thing as either; a more truthful reality is that there are simply businesses that exist at certain valuations at any given moment in time. These idiomatic shorthands are understandable—it’s a way to abstract complexity. The problem, of course, is becoming too reliant on these types of shorthand abstractions, and using these abstractions to make important decisions. As Mayer, the founder of Woodlock House Family Capital, says: “You could do without that terminology entirely. I don’t think you’d lose anything. At all.” He continues:
The long game is boring
I recently came across this Shane Parrish essay that I enjoyed. It’s titled “The Surprising Power of The Long Game.” The piece is short but it packs lots of insight. “Immediate and visible benefits seduce you into the short game,” Parrish writes. “You win today but lose tomorrow.” He continues:
A few more links I enjoyed:
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