

Q&A with Donald Sadoway

“In the end, the market is the arbiter. If you want to find someone who's Debbie Downer, talk to a battery guy. Battery guys are pessimists, they’re skeptical, and they're very tribal.”

Q&A with Martin Ford

“So, that's the possibility of the future. Getting there is not easy, transitioning to that is going to be very difficult.”

The Future Of Media: Disruptions, Revolutions And The Quest For Distribution

The curious thing about disrupted industries is that very often, when you’re living through them, it’s hard to recognize just how monumental the changes truly are. Case in point: Media and entertainment.

Is Tesla A $1,000 Stock? [Written pre-split]

Electric Vehicles: Is the Model 3 the new iPhone?

Q&A with Noël Perry

“The solution that we get out of this would be unrecognizable to you and I in our 2017 vision; it's so radical. Trucking is so ubiquitous and it is such an extraordinarily important part of our economy. If you don’t have transportation, you don’t have an economy.”

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