

Q&A with Tony Seba

“We are on the cusp of the fastest, deepest, most profound disruption of the energy sector in over a century.”

Q&A with Arne Alsin and Philip Bland

“And one thing that gets us really excited about the future, it's not just the opportunity set—it’s that we think we’re really early. And we think lots of investors will begin to see the world how we do, it’s just a matter of time”

Q&A with Arne Alsin and Eric Markowitz

“So as an investor, just from a risk perspective, you want to think in terms ‘I want to own companies that are going to last, that have a long runway for growth and prosperity.’”

2020 Investor Outlook

We are heading towards a carbon-free future. The renewable energy revolution is a multi-trillion dollar opportunity.

Q&A with Kingsmill Bond

“In about 80% of the world today, it’s cheaper to deploy solar and wind than it is to generate electricity from gas and coal. And within a couple of years, it’s basically going to be every major country in the world.”

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